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Monday, February 27, 2012

Spring fever

Even though it's February here in Colorado, it feels like spring is just around the corner. My next newsletter will have some great color schemes for you. Look for that in about two weeks. And think of me when I have to shovel that spring snow off my driveway! 

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tips for a successful remodeling project | January 2012

Check out my January newsletter for some info on remodeling

What have I been up to, you ask?

Several friends have mentioned that they seem to have lost track of me. Yikes! Here’s an update. In 2009, I closed my large retail shop that housed Wayne’s Window Coverings and Silver Thread Interiors. As most of you know, I purchased Wayne’s Window Coverings in 2004 and moved my Interior Design practice in to the existing location on East 15th Street. In 2009, I decided that life needed to get simpler, so I closed the retail shop and began working out of my home office. I just love working from the simpler setup. And set up I am! I still offer a complete line of window coverings, fabrics, and of course, my professional Interior Design Service. Contact me at 970.903.7783 or