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Monday, February 25, 2013

As the song says: I've got a new attitude

Professionally, changing your company name can be tricky. When you get married and want to change your last name, it can be confusing to those who want to find your company. Recently Bill and I got married, and after years of having to spell Vanderwal, I chose to change my last name to Downs. Also, since Vanderwal was a married name, not my maiden name, I was further motivated to change.

Recently, I was in Houston working on an Interior Design project for a dental clinic. My dear friend Sandra and I were sharing a bottle of champagne when the company name issue came up. Why not just drop the last name and call the company "Nancy" we said? Brilliant ! Girl talk and champagne are wonderful problem solvers.

I'm pleased to introduce my new company....  

Cool, huh? Over the next week or so, I'll be completely updating my website, so stay tuned.

Nancy (Vanderwal) Downs

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